Louisa Neil Page 9
“My job is to preserve the archives. I do my job downstairs. I rarely come up to the staff offices unless I’m called. If Walter needed anything, he usually came downstairs. I don’t have a handle on the employees’ work habits.” There. If he thought she’d start telling tales about them, he was wrong. Keeping herself employed at the moment was her main task, not running to the new boss with tidbits of others’ habits.
“Relax, Diana. I just find it exasperating that all this equipment sits until the last minute when they could be getting so much more accomplished.”
“I’m sure you’ll handle that in your own way. What did you want to know about my job?” She tried to sound professional but ended up sounding curt.
“I know all about your job. I figured if I didn’t call you in for a few minutes it would look worse to the rest of the employees. Let them think I’m giving you the same speech. We’re in the new millennium, and we all have to adapt. All the basic crap every boss is supposed to use to spur his employees to work harder.”
“Fear isn’t a great motivator,” she said, wishing she’d kept her mouth shut.
“I agree, but right now it’s all I’ve got. Until I get to know each person a bit better, it will have to suffice.”
Diana wished he’d turn to face her, and on another level, was glad he seemed preoccupied by whatever he was watching on the street. “Are there any changes you’d like to make in my department?”
“Just one, but I’ll hold my thoughts until I get to know you better.” Sloan did turn and gave Diana a quick half smile. “Relax, I’m just joking. This place is so tense.” He shook his shoulders. “But we’ll get there one day.”
“Maybe if you gave me an idea of where you’d like this to go, it would be easier to get there.” She relaxed back in the chair, somewhat exasperated.
“Do you believe in fate?”
“I’m not sure. I suppose it would depend on the subject.”
“I’d like you to do one thing for me,” Sloan said, coming around the desk and resting his hip on the corner. “A quick answer, what do you think about fate?”
“I suppose I believe in a sort of karma, what you put out to the world will come back, in regard to being a good person.”
“Think about what you truly believe on the topic.”
“Why? What does that have to do with my job? Either I’m competent or not.”
“This goes beyond the job, Diana. Just think about it.”
“Is there anything else?” She was getting anxious. Hell, she’d been nervous when Dane told her about the interview and when she arrived. Now talking with Sloan made her uncomfortable.
“Yes, have supper with me tonight.” He glanced at her in a way that made her pussy go wet and made her instantly think about what it would feel like to have him touch her, fuck her, and possibly make love to her.
“That sounded like a challenge. As I’ve told Dane, I don’t believe it’s a good idea to date my boss.”
“No, but you’ll let him fuck you when he’s in the mood. How will it be between us?”
“Is this a competition of sorts between you two, or are you just letting me know Dane has no discretion?” She tried to pull back the anger in her tone. Anger at Dane for telling Sloan they’d been together and anger at herself for falling into his trap and confirming her time spent with the other man. “Let’s get one thing straight. I let Dane fuck me when I’m in the mood.”
“Dane and I share everything equally. You won’t be disappointed by my performance.”
Diana stood quickly and watched Sloan’s large hand reach forward to grab the arm of the chair she almost upended as she stood before it hit the floor. “I don’t know what Dane has told you, and I don’t think I care. What I can tell you is that I’m not interested in being handed back and forth between partners at their whim.” She stomped to the door and reached for the handle.
“Don’t get all cranky. I’m just being honest.” He was beside her quickly, not touching her, just standing inches behind her. “You’ll come around with time,” he told her. “None of us has any real choice.”
“What does that mean exactly?”
“Only that with time you’ll realize the three of us are meant to be together. That we’re already bound in a strange way you’d never believe.”
“What I do believe is that as adults, we all make our choices.”
“Don’t get defensive. I’m just stating a fact.” Sloan took a step back.
“Maybe one that you believe, not one I believe. I do believe in free will.”
“Relax, Diana. We’ll get there, in your time frame.”
“Are we done? I’d like to get back to work, if I still have a job.”
She stood tall and wished he didn’t look so appealing just now. She cursed herself for sleeping with Dane and had known it was wrong from the start, but she’d done it and couldn’t take it back. What she could do was go forward and not make the same mistake with Sloan, at least until she found another job that paid as well.
“I’ve made you uncomfortable, and that wasn’t my aim. It’s just that I feel as if we’ve known each other, had a connection of sorts.”
“We don’t know each other, and I only plan to get to know you as my boss.”
“We’ll see,” he said and walked back to the window. “Diana, do you really want to work in that basement?”
“Yes, I find it oddly calming, and I like the solitude.”
“All right, I’ll leave you down there then. When you decide you want to come into the light, let me know, and we’ll move you upstairs.” He paused. “Go ahead. I’ve obviously made you uncomfortable. Leave with a grimace on your face so the rest of the employees won’t know we haven’t been discussing your future.”
Diana couldn’t help herself. She hesitated for only a second before adding, “I thought we were discussing my future, only you didn’t get the answers you assumed you would.” She didn’t expect him to burst out laughing.
“I’ll let you come to me when you’re ready on both topics.”
Diana pulled her features straight and opened the door, this time not hesitating to leave. She walked with her head up, glancing to the preying eyes of the other employees as she made her way across the room to the sanctuary of her basement office. While no words were exchanged, she got the feeling of doom floating around her. Closing the door softly, she leaned against it, letting herself take the breath she’d been holding. Forcing herself, she went down the stairs and back to the monotony of her work. Strange, today it seemed to bore her, but in the past, up until she had left for the meeting with Sloan, she’d never felt that way. Chalking it up to the strange conversation and the anger she still felt for Dane for blabbing about their private time, she continued scanning the back issues. For the rest of the day, she held mock conversations with herself on how she’d approach Dane. When it was time to leave, she knew none of them would happen. Instead, she’d be polite when necessary and never let herself be alone with him again.
Chapter Six
That night she wondered if Dane or Sloan would show up at her door. Neither did. In reality, she didn’t see either man for the rest of the week. What she did have to deal with was the recurring nightmare of the labyrinth and its monster. No, she corrected. They’d become a seminightmare. Now they were more of a dream she couldn’t figure out. The first few nights, she had just been lost in the tunnels. That frustrated her more. If her subconscious mind was going to put her in this hellish setting then she wanted to find the monster. Wanted to know more about him. Maybe then she’d understand why she was having the dreams and why, deep down, she wanted the stranger to touch her as he had the last time. Admitting to herself she wanted to have sex with the monster of her dreams was a large step for her. Diana hoped by accepting her desires, she’d finally find him in the cold labyrinth. It wasn’t until the following Saturday night that the dream took her further.
She headed to the light, and the monster was waiting for her, the candlelight refle
cting off his body. His cock was huge and fully erect. This time, she walked cautiously into the chamber and watched him smile at her.
“You’ve been gone a long time,” he said, his hand reaching down to his cock, stroking it while she watched. “Come into the light. Let me see you better.”
Tonight she felt no embarrassment in the dream, rather wandered around the chamber before coming to stand before him. “Why am I here?”
“Because your subconscious mind wanted answers, wanted to know how it would feel to have my cock fill you.”
“I still don’t think that’s possible.” She glanced down and shook her head at him. The monster reached for her hand, and she gave it to him without hesitation. She didn’t panic when he drew her a step closer and clasped it over his cock, his hand over hers, moving it up and back. “You surged in my hand.”
“You’re a beautiful woman. Why wouldn’t I be excited? You’ve kept me waiting.”
“I don’t have control over my dreams. Nobody does.”
“But when you’re relaxed, you come to me. What has kept you away for so long?”
Was that why he’d been elusive in her dreams? Was she so uptight about work that she’d been oblivious to her real feelings?
“It doesn’t matter. I’m here now.” She tightened her fingers around him, and he let out a soft groan. “Am I the only woman who visits you?”
“Yes, you’re my only solace.”
“Why did I dream you up? I can’t remember reading anything about a monster. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean…”
“Of course you did. To you, my height and hair-covered body scare you. My build is bigger than you’d ever imagined would be normal. While my horns confuse you, you can’t let yourself give up my cock, or at least the idea of it inside you.”
“I’ve told you, that would be impossible.” She squeezed her fingers tighter, and he pulsed fuller. “But you’re right. I wonder what it would be like to have you inside me. I suppose once I let you, I’d never dream about you again.”
“Or you’re afraid once you have me, no other man could satisfy you.”
Diana threw back her head and laughed. “You’re probably right there. Just having had your fingers inside me and my dildo feels lost.” She continued to stroke him and watch him. “Why is it that we talk so easily, that there is no language barrier?”
“It’s your dream. You obviously want to communicate with me.” He gave her a full smile. “For that I’m genuinely thankful. It’s been very lonely for me for a long time. It’s taken a long time to find you, Diana. Along with a few others that I need.”
“What others?”
“Not women,” he said quickly.
“Is that the truth or what you think I want to hear?”
“That’s the truth. You’re the key to releasing me from this hell of a prison I find myself locked into. Only with your help will my soul finally be free.”
“How did you get here?”
His laugh surprised her. “Where else would they lock away a monster of their creation?”
“Who created you?”
“The ancient gods, a very long time ago. I was born of another’s greed.”
“I don’t understand,” she said. Diana continued to stroke him, no longer afraid of the monster, rather intrigued by him. Glancing down, she saw her motions were exciting him further. A drop of cum was glistening on his tip. She reached her other hand to it and swiped it with her finger, bringing it to her lips. She had no hesitation and licked her finger clean. Her monster groaned again. “Should I not have done that?”
“It makes me wish you’d do more, but I understand this has to be in your time.”
“You know my name is Diana. What is yours? I don’t want to keep calling you a monster in my mind or directly to you. You’re not a monster to me anymore. I can’t rationalize why I have these recurring dreams, but I want to know what to call you.”
“My original name was Minotaur.”
Diana glanced up and stared at him. “Like the myth?”
“I am only a myth to those who don’t believe.”
“I don’t believe. You speak of gods creating you. To me, those gods are merely stories passed down through the ages mainly, I believe, to frighten people. At least, I didn’t believe until now and probably won’t in the morning.”
“As it should be for now. With time you’ll come to realize we’re connected in a fascinating way.”
“What way?”
“You’re not ready to learn that yet. You’ve finally just decided I’m not a monster.”
“I suppose I have. If you’re the Minotaur, are you going to eat me, too?”
He laughed, and she relaxed. “No, I’ve no need for human consumption any longer.”
“What do you need?”
“To be released from this hell. To wander among the living without being seen as the beast. To live a life I’ve never known.”
“Since this is my dream then I grant you that wish.”
“It doesn’t work like that, although I wish it would. I do appreciate your immediate choice to grant my wish.”
Diana felt a sadness come over her, deeper than she’d ever known in her life. “So how do I free you?” She tightened her fingers, pumping his cock faster. She wasn’t prepared for his hand to grasp hers, stopping her movements. “Why did you stop me?”
“I’m supposed to pleasure you. This isn’t how it’s supposed to go.”
“But you said my dream, my solution.” She felt his grip lighten against hers. Diana started her rhythmic movements again, knowing from how his body was tightening he was close to coming.
“This isn’t right,” her monster whispered, his words a jumble as he closed his eyes and finally relaxed into her motions.
“Come for me, Minotaur. Then you’ll tell me what to call you besides monster or myth.”
She used her other hand to cover her fingers, using all the power she could muster within her to stroke him harder and faster. Just when she thought he wouldn’t or couldn’t come, her monster let out a howling noise. She didn’t stop but continued to watch his face contort. At that same moment, she felt his cum splashing on her chest. With his height so much greater than hers, his cum shot onto her breasts. It was hot against her skin. When he stopped growling, Diana held her grip on him, continuing to pump him, hoping he’d come back to life in her hands. Actually, she decided, he was long and thick enough without an erection that she could fuck him and he’d still be bigger than any cock or toy she’d experienced.
“Diana,” he said and slid his hands under her arms, lifting her until she was pressed against him, her breasts level with his mouth. “I won’t hurt you,” he told her, using one arm to support her against his chest and the other to gently stroke her back. His lips against her breasts were hot. His tongue immediately began to lap at her nipples, licking his cum from her skin. Diana let her body fall forward against him, using her weight to push her body tighter to him.
“I trust you not to hurt me,” she said and closed her eyes, allowing the monster to suck her tits. “Suck harder,” she whispered, using her hands on his shoulders to brace herself, pushing her body tighter to his lips. “You won’t hurt me. It’s my dream, so you can’t hurt me.”
Her monster did as she asked, sucking more of her tit into his mouth, his lips sucking her as if he were feeding from her. In that moment she wished she could nourish him in a way that would release him from this prison she’d dreamed him into. Diana remembered this was her dream. She was no longer calling it a nightmare. But she remembered she was in control, and nothing she did was wrong. She dropped one hand from his shoulder and snaked it between their bodies, her fingers rubbing against her clit.
Between the pull of his lips and her own hand motions, Diana came, her climax making her whole body shudder. Looking at her monster with his large mouth sucking her entire breast between his lips, she came a second time, her body shaking as it passed. He continued to lick at her until sh
e relaxed against him. He still held her tight to him, and she wrapped her arms around his head, holding him. As she looked at him, she realized beyond his size, he was very human looking to her. While he had horns instead of ears, she decided he reminded her of Sloan. His black eyes seemed to see through to her soul. She swallowed back a bit of fear at the realization and pushed it aside, not wanting him to invade her dream. In that lightbulb moment, Diana accepted Sloan and Dane would be in her life. She just wasn’t sure in what capacity yet.
“That was amazing,” she said, finally pulling back to look at her creature. Yes, he did resemble Sloan. But, as he’d told her, it was her dream, and she controlled it.
“I agree,” he said as he gently put her down on the dirt floor. “And unexpected.”
“Why unexpected? If I dreamed you up as a lover, why didn’t you consider you’d come?”
“This is your nightmare, Diana. You control us to a point.”
“Then I want you to come all the time.” She hesitated and added, “And me, too. But next time I want to feel you in my pussy.”
“That will be up to you.”
“Then you’ll come when I do,” she said, holding back a yawn. “What can I call you? ‘Monster’ doesn’t fit.”
“You’ll decide that, too,” he said, but his voice was lower, as if he was far away.
Diana woke with a start in the early morning hours. She struggled with the blankets to free herself and sat at the side of the bed, groping to find the light. Flicking it on, she blinked at the glare until her vision adjusted. She was in her room, and everything seemed the same. Only when she dropped her hand to her belly did she feel something different. Diana stood and closed her eyes, taking the few steps to stand before the full-length mirror behind her closed door. It took her several moments before she finally opened her eyes and stared at the reflection. She seemed the same at first glance, only as she looked closer, she realized something was on her chest and belly. With her right hand, she drew her fingers across her skin, feeling what she could only decide was dried cum on her skin. With a step closer to the mirror, she saw faint red marks encircling her entire breasts. Each one had the same mark, and she remembered how her monster had all but swallowed each one as he had licked her clean and sucked her nipples until she came.