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Louisa Neil Page 7

She knew they were close, probably more than just friends and business associates. She didn’t care. She was looking for the right combination of men to satisfy her in bed and out. Since meeting Dane, she’d had the distinct feeling both men together would be her best option. But she’d keep quiet and see what they had planned before she plundered in and started setting out ground rules. Diana found herself humming while putting her groceries away. She was up for the game, and now she had to hope the men would be, too. If not, at least she’d gotten laid.

  That night in her own bed, she made a production of pulling out her toys and lube. After her afternoon escapade, she didn’t need the lube. Her pussy was wet and needy. Stripping off her clothes, she stood beside the bed and pushed the large dildo in her pussy. Using her vaginal muscles, she moved it up and back, finally reaching to hold the bureau for balance. Diana watched herself in the full-length mirror that hung behind her bedroom door. She liked how the toy looked protruding from her lips and how her breasts moved with each breath. When she experienced a small orgasm, she took the toy from her body and dropped onto the bed, pushing it quickly back inside her body.

  Using one hand to manipulate the toy, she used the other hand to pinch her nipples. When the stirrings began inside her again, she reached to the other toy and sucked it between her lips. When it was slick, she took it and pushed it in her anus. She came immediately but knew there was more for her body. Leaving the toy in her anus, she reached to the dildo in her pussy and began the push-pull of fucking herself. It didn’t take long to reach her full orgasmic peak. Between the fucking motions and pinching her nipples, her body came with a full shudder as she pictured Dane screwing her. She pictured him in her ass and the dildo in her pussy, his lips to her nipples, sucking and biting them. When she was sated, she finally let the toys drop from her body. A quick shower later and she felt exhausted. Dropping back onto her bed, she just wanted to sleep.

  Diana was running through the stone pathways, using her hands to feel her way along the walls. She could see the light up ahead and headed toward it. When she reached the doorway, the monster she’d seen in her last nightmares was standing in the chamber before a large fireplace, the fire illuminating him. The space felt much warmer to her, the dank smell less than the last time she spied on him.

  “Come in, Diana,” the man said, seemingly unfazed by his appearance or his naked body.

  She stood on shaking legs, taking in his full appearance. This time she didn’t run, she just watched him, looking him up and down. She couldn’t decide how tall he was, just much taller than she. His shoulders were wide and his arms muscled, his fists resting at his waist. His chest was covered in a thin layer of black hair. No it was fur she decided. His belly slimmed at his waist and widened at his hips. His thighs were large, but his cock grabbed her attention. It stood erect, protruding from his crotch. It was the largest cock she’d ever seen, even larger than her biggest dildo. The black fur traced down his belly and circled the staff like a halo. Diana stood and stared, licking her lips at the idea of it penetrating her.

  She glanced to his face, but tonight she wasn’t so afraid of him. While his features were more humanlike, his long black hair and eyes seemed to drill through her. He had strange ears. No, she decided, more like horns that grew from his skull. Still, she wasn’t afraid, rather intrigued. She wasn’t sure why she didn’t fear him and knew she should, but an innate sense told her she was safe.

  “Come forward, Diana. I won’t hurt you.”

  His voice was deep yet soothing. She stumbled with her first steps entering the chamber. Finally finding her footing, she took a few more steps forward, still staring at him.

  “Who are you?” she managed, watching him intently.

  “My name doesn’t matter, only that you’re here and I’ve been waiting for you.”

  “How do you know me?”

  “That doesn’t matter. I knew you’d come to me eventually.”


  “Destiny,” he replied.

  “What do you want with me?”

  “Your body, of course. All of you. Your mind and your soul, your body to use at my whim.”

  Diana glanced down at his cock and watched it throb fuller.

  “It intrigues you, doesn’t it? You want to suck it, to feel it inside you?”

  “Yes,” she told him and hesitantly reached forward. Just before she made contact, it bobbed up and down. “You’re too big for me.”

  “Nothing is impossible,” the creature told her. He took a step forward, his cock gliding into her waiting hand. Diana felt the heat and didn’t stop the forward-and-back motion. As she continued, he swelled in her palm, her fingers not meeting around his girth. She didn’t need further instruction. Diana dropped to her knees to stare at his cock. While she did, her other hand came out and started to rub his belly and thighs. Eventually she forgot to be afraid and let the tip of her tongue reach to his penis and licked it. Then she took the head between her lips. Diana began to suck him but couldn’t get past the large head. Sitting back on her heels, she looked up at him.

  “You’re too big,” she told him.

  “You just need to practice,” he replied, reaching down and grasping her under her arms then pulling her to stand before him. He dropped one hand to her pussy and ran his large finger between her pussy lips. “But your pussy is wet.”

  “You’re too big,” Diana said a second time. His laugh shocked her, the tone low and deep, not intimidating.

  “But you want to try, don’t you?”

  “Even your fingers are large, larger than any cock I’ve ever had.”

  “Then we’ll start with my fingers and stretch you until you’re ready.”

  Diana didn’t expect him to slip his finger deeper between her lower lips so abruptly. He was right. She was wet, and her pussy was stretching to accept his index finger. Soon she was full, fuller than she’d ever felt before. Her orgasm hit, harder than anything she’d ever felt. Her body shuddered around his finger, and he grabbed her around her shoulders, holding her to him. When she thought he would withdraw, he began to ease it in and out of her pussy again. This time she was ready, widening her stance to accept his strokes. Diana closed her eyes and forgot to be afraid, shifting her hips and taking it deeper inside her. She cried out when he pulled from her body only to be immediately filled by two of his large fingers. Again, she was tight around his skin until he continued to fuck her with two fingers. Over and over she accepted the penetrations, pushing her body to take them deeper. In a passing moment, she decided he hadn’t hurt her so why not enjoy the wonderful things he was doing to her body. Besides, this was a dream and the things that happen in them didn’t count in real life. When she came that time, she knew her body collapsed against his strong chest, his arm holding her from falling to the ground.

  “That’s enough,” the creature told her, and she felt she was drifting.

  Diana woke in her own bed, her body covered in sweat. Her pussy was wet and slightly sore. She bolted out of the bed and turned on the overhead light. Inspecting her pussy in the mirror, she saw she was engorged but not bleeding. She shut off the light and went back to her bed. She didn’t play with herself. Instead, she hugged her pillow tight to her chest and willed herself to fall back into the dream. She woke the next morning, sore but sated like never before.

  All day Sunday, she lay around the house in nothing more than a long T-shirt. She wanted to sleep, to recover the dream and continue with it. It didn’t happen, but by Monday morning she was rested and ready to go to work. She was still confused to where the dreams were coming from but figured if she felt this content on a Monday morning, she wouldn’t examine it too closely. Her pussy wasn’t sore, but it tingled every time she remembered how his large fingers stretched her. She was already anticipating her dream lover’s next touch.

  The next week went quickly, Diana preoccupied by her creature of the labyrinth and how he had touched her. How he instinctively knew what her body had nee
ded to come and just how far to take her without hurting her. She felt no more fear, only curiosity. Each night she had wanted to find him in her dreams, but he hadn’t shown up. She was becoming increasingly frustrated and almost began to believe it hadn’t happened, that the huge creature hadn’t fingered her to the most intense orgasm of her life. But she remembered how her pussy had felt the first days after and knew it hadn’t been a dream. Now that she was craving her monster’s attention, he’d become elusive, leaving her to wonder if she’d ever experience him again. And there was so much more she wanted to feel from him.

  Dane basically ignored her, and she decided he was making a point of not acknowledging their Saturday tryst.

  That’s one way to scare him away. I guess he prefers to be the aggressor.

  The following Saturday, while running her errands, she got the same innate feeling that he was around her. As she was about to enter the grocery, Dane was beside her in the doorway.

  “Come with me, Diana. I want to show you something.”

  Diana hated that he was so damn handsome. Even the scar on his right cheek made him more appealing to her because he wasn’t perfect. “I have things to do today.”

  “This will just take an hour. I’ve found a house and want a second opinion.”

  “I’m not a house inspector.” Her tone was brusque, and she was forced to leave the doorway of the market, blocking it from others trying to enter and leave. Standing to the side, she hated that her thoughts were pushing her to just go with him.

  “Come on, it’s close-by. I just don’t want to make an impulse buy. Come with me, Diana. I’ll know if it’s a mistake just by the look on your face.”

  “Don’t you have any friends you can call for this?”

  “I thought we were friends.” He gave her a half-pout look, and she laughed at him.

  “We’re not friends. You’re my boss, and we fucked once. That’s all.”

  “I thought New Orleans was a friendly town, people willing to help their neighbors.”

  “You’re not my neighbor.”

  “Diana, please.” That was her undoing. His brown puppy-dog eyes and pouty look would be the end of her. “Look, come with me and see the house. I promise to bring you back here and drive you home with your groceries.”

  “I’ll go with you, but you’ll bring me back here and give me cab fare home.”

  “Deal,” he said and reached for her arm, turning her down a side street where his car was parked. “I really appreciate this. I just want a second opinion.”

  Once in the Jaguar, she finally relaxed. The cold air pumping in her face made her feel better. “Where is this place?”

  “Just a few blocks from here.” Dane pulled into a private driveway and punched a code into the security box near the wrought iron gates. He waited while they slowly opened inward before he drove through. The gates closed behind them, and she realized they were only a few blocks from downtown at one of the palatial homes she’d seen photos of in magazines. The gardens hid the house and yard from the street and neighbors. The home itself wasn’t just a house. Diana considered it more of a mansion.

  “I’ll admit, it is beautiful,” she finally told Dane, leaving the car and wandering around the front lawn. “The porches are wonderful.”

  “Come inside. Let me show you the rest.”

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea. I’m in love with the place already.”

  She didn’t like the grin on Dane’s face, as if it was the exact reaction he had been waiting for. The old building was stone with white and black trim. She didn’t know exactly how old, but this was not a house that had been built recently.

  “We’re here,” he said and reached for her hand. She let him guide her to the front door where he produced a key and let them in.

  As they entered the large space, their voices and footsteps echoed through the empty rooms, the hardwood floors magnifying the sounds. Dane dropped her hand and let her wander. To the left was a sitting room that led into what she assumed was supposed to be a dining room. To the right was a formal parlor with another stone fireplace. The staircase was huge along the center wall, the mahogany railing and steps well worn. She wandered down the hall through a butler’s pantry and into a newly remodeled kitchen. Behind the kitchen was a glass atrium. While it was currently void of plants, she could instantly imagine how it would look filled with greenery.

  “I’ll admit it does have a certain wow factor.”

  “That’s what I thought, too.” Dane seemed to beam with pride. “There’s a library through here, as well as a guest bathroom, and a small office.”

  They wandered the rooms, and she fell in love with the library. “Do you have any books to fill all those shelves?”

  “Actually, I do. I still believe in the feel of a book in my hand and the print on my fingers. I’ve collected books for years. They’re all in storage, but this would be a perfect place for them.”

  “It sounds like you’ve already made up your mind.”

  “Come see the upstairs,” he prompted and showed her a back staircase to the second level. “These will be guest rooms,” he told her, opening doors to empty rooms and baths over the right side of the house. Across the main hallway, the left side of the second floor was the master suite. The room was huge, along with a walk-in closet, white marble bathroom, and a sitting area overlooking the atrium.

  “I’m sold. Buy it,” she told him, running her hand along the marble mantle in the main bedroom area. “What are you hesitating for?”

  Dane stood a few feet away, staring at her. She began to get a strange feeling and knew in that instant he hadn’t brought her just to see the house.

  “I wanted a second opinion.” He took a few steps toward her and reached into his back pocket. He handed her an envelope and wandered to the windows overlooking the front lawns and street.

  Diana unfolded the envelope and took the pages from it. They were medical reports from this last week, all proving he had no communicable diseases. By the time she was putting them back in the envelope, he was behind her, his hands on her shoulders. His lips kissed the back of her neck, sending a chill through her whole body.

  “Thank you for the results.”

  “No condoms,” he said and used both hands to run along her sides. Down her hips and thighs, as his hands rose up, her denim skirt was between his fingers.

  Diana knew what he wanted and decided to let him take it, especially since she was still so horny from last weekend’s dream or whatever it had been. She remembered how her body had felt after the dream and knew she couldn’t consider it a dream. She smiled, knowing Dane’s cock wouldn’t fill her as the creature’s fingers had. But he was there, and she was interested in the relief he’d bring her. She reminded herself she’d set the rules of their relationship, sex with no romance or ties. A small part of her wanted him to test her limits, but the rest of her just wanted sex. Diana reminded herself, once emotions entered into a relationship, it changed the dynamic and usually became tedious to her. She didn’t confront him when he made the pass a second time, his fingers hooking under the elastic of her panties and pulling them down her legs. Dane stood and took her hands, drawing them to the windowsill in front of her.

  “Just relax,” he whispered, running his tongue along her throat.

  She knew he was lowering to his knees behind her. She allowed him to lift each foot and rid her of the underwear. From that second on, her pussy began to pulse with anticipation, and she had no regrets. He palmed her buttocks while nipping at her skin. When he grasped her waist, he pulled her several steps from the window, widening her stance. She could feel his hot breath on her pussy lips from behind and then higher on her anus. Next, she felt his tongue licking her from front to back. It was hard not to squirm at his attention. She knew since she’d made the decision to come see his new home, she’d accepted they would end up fucking. It was what she wanted, even if it could prove detrimental to her career.

your fingers in my pussy,” she told him, and he instantly filled her with two of them.

  From that moment, she allowed him to do what he wanted. He licked her pussy and reached up to fondle her nipples through her shirt with his other hand. She didn’t know how long this went on, only that it felt wonderful. When he slid a finger in her ass, she sighed, and when he pulled his hand from her body, she growled.

  “Fuck me, Dane,” she told him, still not turning around to look at him. She could hear his zipper behind her and the sound of his belt buckle hitting the wood floor. His cock was in her pussy instantly, taking long and then short strokes inside her.

  “Faster,” she said, and he complied wordlessly.

  His lips went to her shoulder, and she knew there’d be a purple mark there tomorrow and didn’t care. On one outward stroke, he paused and pushed higher in her body, sliding into her anus.

  He fucked her harder and faster, and all she could do was hold on to the windowsill. His thrusts were deeper than the last time, and his cock felt larger inside her.

  “That’s it. Make me come, Dane. Fuck me until I come.”

  “I’ll fuck you until I come,” he told her almost breathlessly.

  Diana didn’t know how long they stayed there, her holding onto the windowsill while he fucked her ass from behind. She had several small orgasms and didn’t care that he saw her lift her hand to her own breast, pinching her nipple.

  “That’s gonna make me come,” Dane told her, and she felt him grasp her hips, his fingers biting into her flesh.

  Diana pushed back against him, taking him as deep as he could go, and she felt his body shake when he came. He stroked her a few more times, his cum dripping from her body each time he withdrew. Finally, he paused behind her, his head on her shoulder, his breath out of pattern.

  “Thank you,” he whispered before pulling from her completely.

  “Did you just fuck my ass in a stranger’s home, or are you going to buy it?” She glanced at him over her shoulder.

  “It would be one way to get around hotel fees,” he teased, straight-faced for only a moment before he smiled. “I’ve put in a bid,” he told her as he lifted his weight from her. “Time will tell.”