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Page 13
She went almost a week without actually running into either of them. She kept to her routine and by Thursday night was becoming disappointed when her dreams didn’t conjure up any version of Martin or her Monster. Friday afternoon, on her way back from lunch in the square, she saw Sloan waiting outside the building, a lit cigarette between his fingers. Diana got an instant feeling of dread seeing him. Then she remembered Martin’s words, that she’d need two men to satisfy her after him. She also remembered glancing over her shoulder and thinking her monster had turned into Sloan. With a blink, that image was gone, and the monster was still her monster, and Sloan was just her new boss. Her body shivered as if she’d walked into a freezer. Her nipples pebbled hard, and her pussy went wet. Watching Sloan leaning on the building so casually gave her ideas she refused to accept before.
He was so tall and muscled, and his denims fit in all the right places. She noted he was wearing a dark, man-tailored shirt again, this one in a cotton fabric. Diana decided he wore the dark colors to enhance his black hair and eyes. While she wished she had something to cover her erect nipples, she knew there was no way past him without seeing them erect. She held back a smile as she stood to her full height, knowing they’d be more prominent. The initial dread she’d felt first meeting him was changing. She finally admitted to herself she was attracted him. What woman in their right mind wouldn’t be? Lately, her mind had been locked in a muddle of Martin or Monster. Now she understood it would be filled with Sloan and Dane. She understood acceptance would be the key to finding out the truth from Sloan and what he had called their connection with Dane. With the idea that Martin would never visit her dreams again, she decided to take the man of flesh and blood standing before her.
Deep inside, she’d known all along he would be important to her future beyond the job. Once she accepted the concept, it was hard to keep her gruff attitude. While she didn’t quite flirt with him, she was determined to relax and try to enjoy his company until he proved they weren’t compatible. It had been a very long time since she felt feminine around a man. Usually she forced an aggressive role with men to hide her insecurities.
After the changes these last months, she decided she could be feminine and demonstrative on occasion. Dressing up for their party had reminded her of a side of herself she pushed deep down and refused to accept. Now she understood she would be herself in all ways. If the two men didn’t like it, well, time would tell. While she preferred her chinos and work boots for work, it was intriguing to dress up occasionally and let her feminine side take over.
“Diana,” he said with a nod of his head, taking a puff on the cigarette.
“Sloan, nice party last weekend.” She stood before him, just to the side of the main doorway. Now she was curious how he’d bring up the idea of them together. When he remained quiet, she reached for his hand, taking the cigarette and several puffs before handing it back to him.
“I didn’t know you smoked.”
“I don’t anymore. But, once in a while I just want the memory of it. How the smoke slipped down my throat with a slight acrid burn. How it felt to exhale and take in a fresh breath. The slight rush the first puffs of the day gave me.”
“Why did you stop?” He was watching her, staring at her eyes.
“It became politically incorrect and expensive. Also, I couldn’t smoke down in the archives and couldn’t leave every hour for my fix. So it was easier to quit than deal with the cravings all day.” She reached to take it from him again and took one last pull before handing it back. “Of course, it was months before I was able to get through the day without sneaking one here or there. Now I savor one occasionally, like a forbidden treat.”
“You’re a very interesting woman, Diana.”
“And you, sir, are an intriguing man, but you know that already, by your appearance and how you carry yourself. You know just the impression you give to the public. Always dressing in black to accent your skin tone and features.”
“You’ve noticed,” he said and laughed. It was probably the first time she’d seen him actually relaxed with her, his laugh a bit deeper than she’d heard before.
“You should do that more often. It almost makes you look human.”
“As opposed to?”
“As opposed to the repressed businessman aura you reflect to the world. Like the dark monster everyone should avoid.”
“Just as you wear those clunky work boots and knit shirts to hide the woman underneath.” His eyes dropped to her breasts and slowly scanned back to her face. “Although, right now I’m beginning to appreciate those knit shirts. Aren’t you similar, descending to the basement each day to keep people away?”
“We all have our habits. Some are easier to break than others. At least mine comes with a paycheck.”
“You broke one habit last Saturday. You looked magnificent in that dress and heels. But you knew that, didn’t you. It was the way you carried yourself all night, all naked under the cloth. I saw the men and women watching you, seeing the real you that you hide away.”
“I appreciate the compliment on the dress.” Diana paused before adding, “It wouldn’t be conducive to my job to dress like that every day. All the dust and newspaper print.” She scrunched up her nose, and Sloan nodded in agreement. “Besides, if I dressed like that every day it would become ordinary very quickly. This way, I can turn a head or two when I’m in the mood.” She was about to head inside but paused. “You do have an amazing smile, Sloan.” Pulling the door half-open, she hesitated when he spoke.
“Any ideas how you can make me smile?”
Diana knew this was a direct comment on them as a couple. “I don’t know you well enough to make that call.”
“Not like you know Dane?”
She let her hand drop from the door handle and took a step back before him. “What I did with Dane was my business. Too bad he had no discretion about it. But he was just for fun when I was bored.”
“And now you’re not bored anymore? What’s changed in your life?”
“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.” Again, she reached for the door handle.
“Have supper with me tomorrow night. Tell me then, and see if I believe you.” He dropped the cigarette butt to the ground and stepped on the glowing head.
“Why? So you and Dane can compare notes on my performance?”
“I make my own decisions on all topics, including you, Diana.”
“So I’m supposed to sleep with you, so you can decide for yourself if he was telling the truth?”
“It’s one possibility. I offered supper and conversation. If you offered sex, I wouldn’t be offended.”
“No, I’m sure you wouldn’t. But it wasn’t a good idea to have sex with Dane. He seemed to just sneak up on me, always finding me off guard. Sleeping with my other boss is a worse idea. Especially since you live together. Is it a competition between you or just a good-natured rivalry?”
“I’ll meet you at eight tomorrow night.” He gave her the name of a restaurant she enjoyed. “We can continue our conversation then and you can make your decisions about Dane and me.” He reached over her head and grabbed the door, pulling it completely open, ending their conversation. He hadn’t given her time to decline his offer. She walked through the office, knowing everyone there saw them come in together.
She wouldn’t go, she decided. She’d call the restaurant tomorrow night and leave a message for him. Thankful to leave the office for a few days, she walked home wondering what it would be like to have Sloan make love to her. How his large hands would feel on her skin, how much pressure he’d use, and if his fingers would fill her anywhere near what her monster’s had.
Chapter Ten
Diana went through her normal Saturday chores and errands with the definitive idea she was staying home alone that night. Then why was she standing before her bedroom mirror with her hair freshly blown out and makeup on? She held a hanger in each hand, debating which dress to wear. One was a black dress with long
sleeves and a high neck. The other was her tan sheath, simple with short sleeves and a rounded neckline. She chose the tan and slipped into the pumps that matched. With the dress being so plain, she added a pair of long, clunky earrings. They had three elongated beads of gold with small chunks of a green stone with gold veining between them. They were a total of four inches hanging beside her throat. If she turned her head a certain way, they would brush against her skin, giving her a secure feeling. They had been her favorite as long as she could remember. They were a gift from her mother, something she wore on occasion, not wanting to take any chances losing or breaking them.
She grabbed the small purse that matched the outfit and stuffed money, lipstick, keys, and her driver’s license in it. Pausing to take one last look at herself, she watched a smile cross her lips as the idea formed. She got a flash of an image of her monster fucking her from behind and blinked. Then it was gone. It left her nipples hard and her pussy full, wanting attention she didn’t have time to give it. Quickly, before she changed her mind, she unzipped the dress and dropped it from her arms. There was no hesitation as her fingers unclasped her bra. She let it fall from her arms, and then she put the dress back in place. Then she scrunched up the hem and, with her thumbs tucked under the elastic, pulled down her panties and let them drop to the floor. With a step, she was free of them, too. This time when she looked in the mirror, she smoothed everything back in place. The material against her nipples made them harder.
“Good, a new game for the evening,” she said and walked from the room before she changed her mind. As she was leaving the house, a cab pulled up in her driveway. The driver told her his name and that Mr. Shayla had sent him to bring her to the restaurant. She took the ride, somewhat annoyed that he’d sent the car for her and overtly annoyed that she accepted the invitation and the ride. What happened to calling and leaving a message that she wouldn’t go?
She’d known while showering that she was going, especially when she had used her own hand and a soft washcloth to bring herself to a small climax. She hoped it would hold her through the evening from being impetuous by horniness. Deep inside she acknowledged that she wanted to sleep with Sloan. Diana decided Sloan wanted the sophisticated woman she could be, sleek and ready for presentation. Dane had accepted her as she was, boots, knit shirts, and braided hair with no makeup. She was beginning to like taking a bit of time on her appearance occasionally. While she could never keep it up on a daily basis, it did give her a new confidence in social situations. Opening her purse, she used the small mirror on the inside flap to take one last look at the woman she was, knowing somehow after this night was over, she’d be different…somehow. She wasn’t exactly sure how, but she would be different.
The restaurant was crowded, the music spilling out into the street. She began to wonder if she’d find him in the crowd and remembered this was Sloan she was meeting. He’d stand out in any crowd. Once her eyes adjusted to the dark lighting, she scanned the bar and found him at the far end. Again tonight, he was dressed in a black shirt with black slacks. She had to admit he was handsome, even if his arrogance made her crazy.
“You look beautiful tonight, Diana. The color complements you. What can I get you to drink?” He sounded so normal and nice she almost didn’t believe it was the same man.
“White wine, please.” She watched as he raised his hand and motioned to the bartender. Quicker than she imagined, the man was placing a glass before her. “Thank you.” She took a tentative sip and enjoyed the fruity flavor. “This is wonderful.”
“I thought you might like it. It’s the same wine we served at the housewarming.”
“You and Dane managed to get a lot accomplished in a short amount of time at the house.”
“Once you have a vision it goes quickly. It was merely a matter of some renovations and unpacking.” He sipped from his glass and leaned closer to her. In a conspiratorial tone he added, “I’ll tell you a secret about the housewarming if you’d like.”
“I’m not sure I want to know.” Her tone was curt.
“I’ll tell you anyway. You looked amazing in that night. I almost shot my load when I first saw you, all naked under the dress letting the material flow around you. What a difference from the basement mouse I was used to. You truly surprised me.”
“I surprised myself,” she told him in a whisper, hoping he wasn’t able to hear her words. His outright laugh caught her off guard, and she started to laugh with him.
“You are lovely when you laugh. Maybe I can make you do it more often.”
“Maybe we should just keep things as they are. You’re my boss, and I’m the employee who should know better than to mess with you.”
“Yes, but look how much fun we’d miss out on.”
“While I enjoy a nice meal out occasionally, I get the feeling you are a lot more dangerous to be around when away from work than at work.”
“Diana, you have no idea how long I waited to meet you. How I wondered what you’d be like.”
“I hope I didn’t disappoint you, even though I didn’t know you existed until a few months ago.” She was trying to sound arrogant, but he didn’t accept her tone in that way. She found him more frustrating than Dane in all ways, yet she didn’t walk away. Didn’t leave the restaurant as she’d imagined she might. Now all she wanted to do was spend time with him, without Dane to see who he truly was. Just because he reminded her of her bête noire, didn’t mean there was any real connection. Diana decided to stay, wanting to know just how he thought the three of them were destined through history to come together. She hadn’t forgotten his remark from her first interview in his office weeks ago when he finally showed himself.
“Now that you know, what will you do with me?” He glanced away and back to her. “Our table is ready,” Sloan told her, guiding her by her elbow through the crowd toward a quiet back corner table for two. He held her chair and made sure she was settled before taking his seat. They were both quiet while scanning the menu. She glanced at him through her lashes and found him watching her. She knew her face heated with embarrassment and quickly went back to her menu. She prayed he wouldn’t know how she was pressing her thighs together under the table, hoping to stop the ache in her pussy just being in his presence. When the waiter appeared, she ordered the crab cakes, and he ordered a steak, rare with all the trimmings.
Finally alone in the crowd, he leaned back in his seat and watched her. “So, you decided not to cancel. I’m impressed. After yesterday I figured you’d find an excuse.”
“I thought about it,” she admitted, “but a free meal in my favorite restaurant is hard to resist.” Sloan raised his glass to hers and let them gently clink. “And I figured you’d finally leave me alone once the novelty wore off.
“What novelty is that?” He was relaxed, sipping his drink while they spoke.
“The idea of bedding the same woman Dane did. I suppose you two have done this before.”
“Actually, Diana, you are the exception. Neither Dane nor I care to take the other’s leftovers.”
“Leftovers,” she said, her voice loud in the room. Glancing around at the other diner’s, she quieted her tone. “You’re an egotistical bastard. What makes you think I’ll sleep with you?”
“What did Martin tell you?” He gave her a blank look and waited for her response. “Or should I call him your Minotaur.”
Too many things went through her mind to focus on any. Diana thought to walk out and never look back, but his mentioning Martin stopped her. “I’m sure I don’t know what you mean.”
“Of course you do. Your dream lover, Martin, told you that you’d need two men to satisfy your needs once he was through with you. Didn’t he?”
“I don’t have a lover named Martin.”
“Perhaps you’d prefer to call him Monster still.” Sipping his drink, Sloan looked very slick and very pleased with himself. As she sat calculating her next move, she couldn’t help but notice again Sloan’s overall dark intensity. Even in
the restaurant lighting, his black eyes shone as he stared at her. She wanted to reach and push a lock of his black hair from his face but resisted. Pressing her thighs together harder to relieve the ache in her pussy, she hated him and herself for letting her body betray her needs. She’d never reacted sexually to any man like this before. Since the dreams started and she met Dane, she’d turned into a puddle of need and sexual want. Diana pulled a breath, thinking through her options. Maybe I was talking aloud one day, and he overheard me? How else could he know about Martin or her Monster? This was becoming too confusing, and she didn’t have a copy of the playbook he and Dane were using.
What she needed, she decided, was to finish her meal and get away from Sloan before her pussy started doing her thinking for her. Mentally shaking herself from wondering what his cock would look and feel like, she tried to pull back the heaviness her whole body had carried since seeing him across the bar. Just what he wanted, she decided. He wanted her to need him, physically. A small part of her recognized she did, but she refused to give in to that side of her new personality. Never before the dreams started was she ever so horny and cock crazy. Looking up at Sloan, Diana knew she’d told nobody about her dreams, so how could he know? She tried to bluff her way past him.
“I don’t have a lover named Martin.”
“Perhaps you don’t in real life, but in your dreams you allow this monster to do things to you no man has done in real life. Am I wrong?”
Diana didn’t answer. She felt an embarrassed heat creeping up her neck and landing on her cheeks again. “What do you think you know?”
“I know more than you can imagine, but we’ll save that for later. Our meal is here.”
They waited while their plates were placed before them. She wanted to be outraged over his words but decided to save her attitude for later comment. Something inside her made her feel he was probably guessing about her dreams. She wasn’t sure how he’d come up with the name Martin. He’d piqued her curiosity now. He thought he knew her secrets. She wanted to know what he really knew. Diana choked down the first bites then found she was hungry, and the only one she’d hurt by not enjoying her meal was herself. She decided to change the subject. A crowded restaurant was not the place for probing questions and discreet conversations. Sloan seemed to have a plan for their evening. She hoped it would eventually let her know what he had in mind long-term for her. With another bite of the crab, she was able to let it go and just enjoy the meal. At first she figured she’d be anxious with Sloan, but in reality, the angst he created made her more determined not to let him see how he affected her.