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Page 11

  “Remember, this is your request,” he told her and for the first time, touched his mouth to hers. She took one long last look at him before letting her eyes close and just feel. She no longer saw him as a monster and didn’t care about his horns. She just wanted him to use her body, to make her complete with his cock, hands, and mouth.

  She could taste her own juices on his lips and tongue, and it drove her to drop more of her weight onto his cock. Diana reveled in each inch her body swallowed, feeling the stretch of her pussy around his cock.

  “That’s amazing. I want more, need more.”

  “Diana,” he warned her, but she didn’t heed his words.

  She forced her weight downward until she had almost two-thirds of his cock in her body. He held her there, not letting her push any further.

  “That’s enough for now,” he told her, taking her mouth to his and using his tongue against hers. With tiny motions, he lifted and released her onto his length. Each time she slid down a bit farther.

  Finally, with one push, her pussy took his whole length. She cried out with her orgasm, blinded by the pain for only a moment—as if she’d been a virgin until his length invaded her—before the warmth spread through her. Diana shifted from side to side, using his body to screw herself. He groaned, and his fingers bit into her buttocks. She didn’t care. Lifting slightly, she reached her hand behind his head and pulled him to her breast. As soon as he sucked it between his lips, she came again and felt his body jerk inside her.

  “Oh, Martin, thank you,” she whimpered.

  Then everything went dark.

  Diana woke in her bed and knew exactly where she was and what she had dreamed. She lay in the darkness and let her hands glide along her body. Her breasts were tender, and her nipples still hard. Her whole body felt as if it was tensing and relaxing, as if she was trying to pull his cock back inside her. With one hand, she held her nipple while the other drifted downward. Her clit felt bigger than it ever had before, and when she let her finger dip between her lips, it came out wet with his cum. She brought it to her lips and instantly knew his taste.

  Not able to wait longer, she flipped on the bedside light and stood. Her legs were shaky at first, and every muscle in her body ached. With a few awkward steps, she stood before the full-length mirror. The smile on her lips reminded her it had been more than a dream. She still had no idea how this was happening, and at the moment, didn’t care. Maybe she’d never know how a dream could come in her. But as she stood and appraised her body, his cum began to drip from her pussy.

  Inspecting her breasts, she saw the faint circles at her chest line where her monster had sucked her whole tit into his mouth. Scanning lower, she saw her clit actually was engorged, larger than she’d ever seen it, even after a good round of sex. Her pussy lips were wet, and his cum was dripping from them down her thighs. Again, she used her finger to bring some to her lips and savored the taste.

  Turning from side to side, she saw the imprints of his large fingers on her buttocks where he’d held her to him. They’d be bruises tomorrow, and she didn’t care. The longer she stood looking at herself, the more of his cum eased from her body. Diana didn’t know how long she stood there examining herself in the mirror. With each glance, she saw something new and reveled in delight that her dream lover had actually fucked her pussy. She remembered his tongue fucking her anus.

  Gathering some of his cum on her fingers, she reached back and inserted them in her ass. Doing it a second time, she was wet enough to fuck her own ass with two fingers. Then she dropped her other hand to her clit. With the simple touch of her fingers, she came and continued to glide her fingers in and out of her ass. When she climaxed from that alone, she knew she was exhausted and done for the night. Even if she wanted to experience more, her body was beyond use. Diana crawled back under the covers, refusing to wash away his cum. In the morning it would be the one detail that would let her know it hadn’t been completely a dream.

  One part of her brain wanted desperately to sleep. The other part was still confused how a dream could leave tangible proof on her body. She was afraid if she questioned it too much, she would break the spell and never dream of him again.

  She also accepted that she’d never masturbated like this before. It was becoming her routine to wake and run to the mirror and inspect herself. If not for Martin’s cum, she’d rationalize her juices were from her sexy dream and fingering herself. Maybe I’m still in the dream, she wondered. Maybe this is all one dream, and when I wake up, Walter will still own the paper. Dane and Sloan would have been figments of her imagination, too. When it all began to circle in her mind, she forced herself to count back from one hundred, focusing on the numbers until sleep took her.

  Chapter Eight

  She woke Saturday morning with no question in her mind that her dream Minotaur had fucked her body. His dried cum on her thighs and legs was her reinforcement. She took time to stretch her muscles before trying to bolt from the bed. When she was ready, she stood before the mirror and saw the lasting effects. The red marks around her breasts had lightened. There was only a hint of them left. Turning to the side, she saw his fingerprints had turned to light purple marks on her butt cheeks that were hardly visible. Mainly, her clit was still full and her pussy slightly sore.

  Grabbing her robe, she made it to the kitchen and waited for the coffee to drip. She sat gently on the kitchen chair and realized she wasn’t as sore as she’d assumed or as Martin had led her to believe. After coffee, she forced herself to the living room floor and went through her yoga routine, slowly stretching her body until the aches faded. Finally, she stood under the hot water in her shower. It was with full regret that she washed away the last of his cum.

  The rest of the afternoon, she dozed on the sofa, not dreaming, just taking the pleasure of sleep. By four that afternoon, her stomach was rumbling and cranky for food. She pulled out a jar of peanut butter and slathered it on soft white bread. With a groan, she remembered she had to go to Sloan and Dane’s housewarming party.

  Drawing a bath, she allowed herself half an hour to soak before drying and styling her hair. Tonight, she left it down instead of in its tight braid. It fluffed around her shoulders in soft waves. She applied a light coat of mascara and used only a bit of powder to give her cheeks a matte finish. While she would have preferred to stay home and relive her dream or possibly go back for seconds, she had no choice.

  The dress felt soft against her skin as she pulled it on. She’d considered wearing a bra but decided not to, not caring if anyone noticed. As she turned to look at her reflection, the panties she’d pulled on chafed at her. Without a second thought, she tugged them off and slipped on her shoes. The added height added to her overall allure. This was definitely not the employee everyone at work was used to seeing. In a blinding flash, she knew she’d never go back to that bland woman who hid in the basement. She’d worry about that on Monday. For now, all she had to do was get through tonight, and she’d be able to come home and back to her dream lover. It gave her a slight thrill to know she was naked under the dress, that with every move she made, the material hugged her curves. She’d gone this far with her appearance tonight. She wouldn’t second-guess herself again. Tonight, she’d be the Diana that her monster would be proud of. Even a passing thought of him made her pussy pulse.

  “It’s going to be a long night,” she said to her reflection, wondering if she had time to slip a dildo inside her for just a few minutes. She decided if she did, she’d never leave the house.

  There was a cab waiting outside her door when she was ready to leave, one sent by Dane. She took the ride, not wanting to deal with walking in high heels. Arriving at their home, she noted how much work had been done. The front yard was manicured and the plantings trimmed. It seemed there were lights on in every room, along with people mulling on the front porch and inside. With the windows open, the curtains drifted in and out, allowing her glimpses of the interior. She smiled and nodded to those on the porch wi
th their drinks in hand. Diana held back a laugh, knowing they seemed stunned at her appearance. She didn’t have to turn around to know they were already whispering about her new look.

  The front door was open, and the music was soft in the background. She pulled a breath and took a glass of wine from a passing waiter. To her left, Dane was pointing out moldings to someone. To the right, Sloan was holding a crystal vase, discussing the facets with a man she didn’t know. She had to admit, a lot of work had been done. The whole place sparkled and shined. There was a thick black ribbon tied across the bottom of the staircase, a polite reinforcement that the upstairs rooms were off-limits. The furniture in each room seemed as if it had been built for that exact space. Glancing to Sloan, she raised her glass and nodded. Dane seemed deep in conversation, so she continued down the hallway, curious about what they’d done with the library.

  She stood in the doorway, taking in the room. Every shelf was full of books and crystal. The furniture was comfortable looking with table lamps and pole lamps set in various spots for reading. The fire was lit and burning brightly. Diana decided it was the most comfortable spot she’d seen. Sipping at her wine, she scanned the titles of the books on the shelves. She knew people filtered in and out, conversations continuing around her, and she didn’t care. There was a new aloofness about her, a new inner strength that showed outwardly, confidence, she decided, and she liked the feeling. Diana sensed Dane was behind her before she saw him. Turning, she wasn’t surprised to see Sloan standing beside him.

  “You’ve done an amazing job,” she said, tipping her glass at the men in a toast.

  “Thank you, Diana. But the bones of the house were here, we just moved in some of our belongings.” Sloan tipped his glass to her and sipped.

  “There’s something different about you tonight,” Dane said, more to himself than to her or Sloan.

  “You’re just not used to seeing me with my hair down and out of work clothes.”

  “That, too, but it’s something else.” He let out a sigh and smiled. “Whatever it is, it works for you.” Someone called to him from the other room, and he left.

  “Dane’s being polite. To me, you look like a woman who has been thoroughly fucked and sated.”

  She didn’t react to his words. Instead, she smiled and turned back to the books. “Whatever it takes,” she said.

  “You wear it well,” he added, leaving her alone in the library.

  “Well, that could have been worse,” she whispered to the shelves and held back a laugh. Yes, she had been thoroughly fucked and sated like never before. What she’d considered as sated before was now just a tease. She made a point of wandering around the rest of the downstairs, nodding to several people but avoiding conversations. Nearing nine, all the waitstaff requested everyone to the dining room. From the doorway, Diana watched Sloan and Dane standing side by side. They were very at ease with each other, she decided. While Sloan was much taller and darker, Dane was more relaxed. They both wore black slacks and tailored shirts without ties. Sloan’s was a black, silky-looking material while Dane’s white shirt looked more like a heavily starched cotton. They toasted their guests and thanked everyone for coming to celebrate their new home.

  She wanted to ask why two well-heeled men wanted to live together but didn’t. It was obvious they could have each had their own home, yet they chose to share this one. She had a passing thought that they might enjoy each other’s company sexually and had to choke back the realization Martin had given her last night. Would she take them both as lovers, and would they use each other, too? Her mind spun at the concept, and she realized that Martin’s words were true. She could have them both at the same time. In reality, after her night with her monster, she realized it would take two men and two cocks to fill her as she’d been last night.

  In a passing moment, she pictured them together, Dane lying on his back as she straddled him, his cock in her pussy. The same picture had Sloan leaning over her back with his cock nestled in her pussy, too. For a second she decided it could never work, yet in the back of her mind she understood this would happen. It was destined to happen in some way. Her inner sense was at work again, this time reinforcing Martin’s words. The more she thought about having both men, the more she liked the idea, as long as she was in control sometimes.

  Only sometimes, she reinforced to herself.

  She wanted dominant men who would ravish her until she couldn’t handle any more. Diana hid her smile with her glass and couldn’t wait to get home and hopefully to her dream lover. She wanted one more thing from Martin, wanted to feel him fuck her ass. She now knew that with Sloan and Dane together, they could both satisfy her, but she still wanted Martin.

  She was able to slip away near ten when the crowd was thinning. She gave them the correct compliments and declined to stay and have another glass of wine when everyone was gone. Sloan didn’t seem angry when she refused his request, rather gave her a knowing smile, one that she didn’t like because it spoke of his knowing her secret. Well, she decided in the cab ride home, he might know her secret about Dane, but he couldn’t know her secret about Martin, never would.

  Sloan stood with his elbow resting on the mantle of the fireplace in the library, a drink in his other hand. He hated the noise of the caterers cleaning up, the din of their conversation and clanking dishes putting him deeper on edge. Thankfully, Dane was dealing with them, and he was able to retreat to the somewhat quiet of this room. He’d been upstairs and checked to make sure nobody had breached their private living quarters. He and Dane had kept an eye on the area, ready to stop anyone who might think to explore beyond their bounds. He was also thankful that Dane had had the forethought to have the caterers clean the library first so he could shut himself away. He hated having strangers in his private space, the invasion almost unthinkable. But he’d agreed with Dane, the “housewarming,” as they’d dubbed it, was necessary in many directions, both business and personal. First, they wanted to alleviate some of the tension at the newspaper office. He decided they’d managed that, although socializing with the employees was a waste of his time. He did acknowledge that it was the best way to get Diana to the house again. A private invitation wouldn’t have worked. She would have found excuses, and he was tired of wasting time. He finished the rest of his drink and walked across the room to refill it. There he heard Dane’s laugh, along with some of the catering staff, and finally, vehicle doors closing.

  Dane threw open the library doors and entered with a huge smile on his face. “They’re gone,” he said and dropped onto the nearest sofa, toeing off his shoes before dropping his feet on the table before him. “I think it went reasonably well, don’t you?”

  “I suppose, but I still hate wasting time and letting those simpering employees into our private space.”

  “Sloan, you are such a tight ass at times,” Dane teased.

  “All the better for you,” he snapped back before finally relaxing and letting himself laugh a bit. He poured a second drink and handed it to Dane before going back to the fireplace. “Did you look around? Does anything seem to be missing?”

  “I glanced around. I don’t think anyone stole anything. Besides, we made a point of not putting out certain objects until this was over.”

  “Good. When the holidays come, we’ll rent out a restaurant and have the party there. I’m done with inviting strangers here.”

  “I agree, but we decided it was a means to an end.”

  “Yes, yes. I’m just glad it’s over.”

  “So what did you think of her tonight? Did you see that body under all that silky material? It was all I could do to keep from throwing her over the back of a sofa and fucking her right then.”

  “I’m sure she might have had something to say about that. Diana doesn’t like people in general. I doubt she’d want to be the center of their attention. From what you’ve told me, once she gets in the mood, she’s all woman, hot and horny. But when she’s done, she wants nothing to do with you. I’d as
sume it would be the same with any man.”

  “Just like you, Sloan. You hate having to deal with people in general. But you have to admit, she did look hot.”

  “Hot? I almost blew my load the minute she walked in. There was nothing but pure woman under that dress.”

  “Yeah, that was a side of her I thought we’d have to work on, but she took the step all on her own tonight. I doubt she’ll keep the look by Monday. She’ll be back in the basement in chinos and work boots.”

  “Yeah, along with those knit, three-button shirts. Why would she think they’re attractive? I just don’t get it.” Sloan sipped from his drink.

  “She does it on purpose, not to be noticed or singled out. Haven’t you realized that about her yet? We consider you reclusive, but she’s just as bad.” Dane laughed at his own comment.

  “That’s part of her appeal,” Sloan commented, pausing to toss another log on the fire. “Are we all locked up and alone?”

  “Done and done. All that’s left to our evening is our own private gratification.”

  Sloan nodded and used his finger to motion Dane to him. Dane didn’t lose any time making his way across the room. Their kiss was hot from the start, tongues battling for supremacy over the kiss. Dane’s fingers ran down Sloan’s chest, unbuttoning his shirt as he went. His lips captured Sloan’s nipple, licking and sucking while he dropped his other hand to Sloan’s cock.

  “You’re already erect.”

  “Have been all night.” Sloan reached to Dane’s shoulder and gently pushed him downward. It didn’t take any more pressure for Dane to drop to his knees before him and unzip his pants, carefully taking Sloan’s erection from the material. He licked his lips and captured the head of the cock immediately. Then he began the onslaught Sloan had waited all night for. “That’s it, Dane. Ease me,” he said, closing his eyes while the other man licked up the droplets of pre-cum their kisses had created. When Dane took his length between his lips and started to inch him deeper down his throat, Sloan finally relaxed. “Take yours out. Let me see how full you are.”